Sunday 13 November 2016

How To Hack Wifi Password

How To Hack Wifi Password Using Android ROOT 2016

Hack Wifi Password using Android ROOT - Latest 2016 hack wifi password using android phone 2016 here tekgyd presents a brand new wifi hack, with the help of this hacking trick you can easily hack wifi password from android device but here is the condition that your Android smartphone must be rooted. you can root android phone in one click easily. here team tekgyd says special thanks to android developing community and iTechHacks who brings new technology and hacks and many tools which makes our life easy.

Security Warning: WiFi Hacking seems to be illegal Please Don't try it to impress anyone!

 hack wifi with android phones easily but the main requirement that need to hack wifi is to root your android device.

Steps to hack wifi password:-

#1.First Root your android smartphone.

#2.After rooting install BUSYBOX in your rooted android phone.

#3.Now Here you have to install some hacking apps in your android phone to hack wifi.

#4.Now install two hacking app

*. WPS CONNECT Download Free (434kb apk)

*. WPS/WPS Tester Download Free (Playstore)

#5.Now enable wifi and start and open WPS CONNECT.

The process is same for both apps now here its your wish which app you want to use for wifi hacking.

#6.Now give ROOT permision to apk.

#7.Now Scan wifi networks. list of all nearby wifi networks going to appear their.

#8.Now choose the wifi network which you want to hack. condition is the network is WPS Enabled.

#9.Now a popup window will appear then just click on "Try to Connect ROOT Option". as you click on the option again there will be three options appears it shows three 3 PIN's in popup.

#11.Go Ahead and choose any of the PIN and click on Try To Connect (ROOT) option.

#12.Now App is trying to hack wifi network. relax !


#14. Now  A popup window will appear as shown in photo. It shows the password of that hacked wifi.

#15. Copy that password in your own way and connect it with easily.

 Note: Sometime u will get authincation error , so don’t worry just on- off ur WiFi will fix this issue and ur WiFi will connected.

Now Enjoy the free internet access in your hacked wifi network.

Thank you.

Blog by  S.Adhikari

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